Below is a comment recently made on one of my blogs that, because it relates to many people, I want to respond to in this blog.
Anonymous said...
“so... why does it have to be one way or the other? I believe God created us in a long slow process that scientists have chosen to call evolution... I don't have to know why he did it that way... that's where faith comes in!!!”
Dear Anonymous, I laud you in that you believe in God and I sincerely trust that you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Before proceeding, let me clarify that my blogs refer specifically to humanists (an inclusive term) - not to persons who simply believe in evolution. We can categorically say that humanists, as I have defined them in my blog “Humanism – What Is It?”, do not believe in God and hold strongly to a materialistic evolutionary view of man. Your comment states that you believe in God and also in evolution. So then the question arises, “can a person be a Christian and also an evolutionist”? Of course he can! Your position is what is termed “theistic evolutionist”, or “Christian Darwinist”. I might add that this position is held very widely in many Christian denominations today.
My “either – or” choice, further explained in my latest blog “It’s Your Choice – Each One Is Eternal”, is directed toward anyone who is not a Christian (including humanists) who must decide the direction of his life. As you read the blogs you can see that the receiving, or not, of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is definitely an “either – or” choice.
Did you read my blog “Test All Things – Believe The Truth”? Have you simply “bought into” the idea of evolution without questioning it? Please read my blogs from the beginning on. They explain some important facts to you. Be careful with your term “that scientists have chosen to call evolution”. Did you know that there are thousands of scientists out there who are completely against the idea of evolution? They are called creationist scientists. They have effectively shown that the evolutionary idea you have mentioned is simply impossible. Impossible? Yes, maybe that blows your mind. You'll hear a lot from me in the future on this subject. You can find the much recommended web site: The Institute For Creation Research ( for complete information on the subject of Creationism. I suggest you also subscribe (no cost) to their very informative and interesting periodical treating a variety of current subjects.
I urge you to continue reading my blogs and comment to me about what you are thinking.
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