Monday, February 21, 2011

Macro or Micro - What Are We Talking About?

Since we’ve used the word “evolution” quite a few times in my previous blogs, I want to jump in here with a few words of clarification.  I do so at the risk of “muddying up the waters” as I want to stick to my main objective and not get sidetracked.  With that in mind, I might be guilty of oversimplification here.  But, be assured that at the right time things will be clarified in detail.

Almost always when the term “evolution” is talked or written about it has to do with the “molecule to man” or “monkey to man” idea, and that is specifically what I am referring to in my blogs.  This is termed “macroevolution”. 

Another type of evolution is called “microevolution”.  It involves minor genetic changes within a species.  Examples would be the breeding of cows to give more milk, of horses to run faster, of corn to produce more ears and etc.  These changes are largely engineered by scientists today and well founded as genetic changes producing varieties of different plants or animals.  Others are natural mutations and are nearly all detrimental to the species.

So, now that we've settled that detail, and possibly satisfied some of the more scientific minds out there as to what I am talking about, let’s return to our main subject.  I’ve got something to tell you in my next blog that you’ll get a big “BANG” out of.

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Warren Norcom, university trained and an ex-businessman has lived a total of 38 years overseas, 25 of them as a missionary. He traveled extensively giving conferences, preaching, counseling, and teaching in a seminary, touching thousands of lives. He is a dedicated Christian who has a passion for the subject of Creationism. He has observed that in this scientific age humanists have showered the public with a worldview that is biased toward their agenda to “prove” God doesn’t exist. In contrast, Christian scientists have had overwhelming success in debunking and exposing the errors of humanistic religion. As a creationist, he wants to set forth truths to show that the only intelligent choice one may come to is that God must and does exist and to expose humanism for what it is: a false religion.