OK, here we go. Down to some nitty gritty truth in a nutshell. Yes, sir you’re going to get a BANG out of this.
I saw the most amusing license plate last week. It’s amazing how the people who make these things can say so much in so few words. A lot of it is junk, but some is plain genius in its economy of words. Here it is, below:.
More than that is just elaboration, which I feel compelled to do.
You have, of course, heard of the Big Bang “theory”. Everybody has. It has been mentioned in the newpapers, magazines, in book stores, and textbooks for decades. Most third graders could tell you that the Big Bang is how “everything” got started. Then they would wonder why you asked. Do you remember the famous propaganda principle I quoted to you in my blog, Humanism Is All Around You?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it long enough, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Our subject is a prime example of it and is perpetrated by our familiar humanist evolutionists. Just what is the Big Bang? It is an attempt by humanistic scientists to explain how, out of absolutely nothing, our entire universe began. Their twisted logic begins with a pre-conceived premise – since there is no God the universe must have begun in some other powerful naturalistic way. Note here that they are, before even beginning to set forth some (pseudo) scientific “theory”, committed to coming up with something that leaves God completely out of the picture. How’s that for pure, honest, scientific procedure? I can assure you that humanist scientists are jumping all over themselves with theories and calculations that would blow your mind as to the age of the universe and how it began.
It is supposed that, because of local (in cosmic terms) scientific studies that the whole universe is expanding in all directions at a uniform rate. If that is so, they say, then that fantastic expansion MUST have started from one point, at one instant of time – way back when. The “when” is still up for grabs depending on different scientists’ views, but it hits somewhere around 13.7 billion years ago. There you have it – what everybody’s been looking for: the “beginning”. Then, out of nothing came into being a cosmic nucleus, or “egg” if you will, of immense density and temperature, which was crammed full of all the material in the universe. Its size is totally up for grabs because humanistic scientists can’t put their arms around such a bizarre creature. Dr. Duane Gish (a well known and distinguished creation scientist) aptly states,
“Nobody knows where the cosmic egg came from or how it got there – it is simply assumed it was there (someone suggested perhaps the Cosmic Chicken laid the cosmic egg). No one knows how long it sat there, but, as the story goes, the cosmic egg exploded (nobody knows why) . . . “
That cosmic primeval fireball expanded beyond all imaginable proportions and there you have it – the universe was born. If you think that’s amazing how about this: the new universe, all by itself, developed all of the stars and galaxies, then our solar system with the sun and the earth. Then beyond anyone’s wildest conception primordial life created itself - and from there you guessed it – evolution took over (all by itself) and behold, you have the amazing “molecule to man” story.
It is past comprehension the amount of amazing organization, physical principles, chemistry and laws that the existing universe, our earth and its life conform to. And humanists would have us believe that it all smoothly came into existence ALL BY ITSELF. Wow! Excuse me, no offense my friend, but if you believe all that I’d like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for a mere $100.00.
I hope I’ve sufficiently jolted the Big Bang idea many of you have innocently and conveniently tucked away in your minds as to how everything began. Don’t feel guilty. I believed it too, at one time. The humanists did (and ARE doing) a good job in raining this fantasy down on the public.
It is a liberating feeling to know the TRUTH. The Bible says, “Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free”. Now, go the the Bible, open it to Genesis 1:1 and read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Then say toHim, “My God, how great you are”.
This issue is put to its proper resting place, however, my next blog will hammer some final nails in its coffin to bury it forever. See you there.
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