Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nail #1 - The First Law of Thermodynamics

If you need some more convincing that the Big Bang is bust, let me delve very superficially into some laws of physics that will settle the matter once and for all. They are perhaps the most basic laws of physics and all scientists accept, use and conform to them in their studies and experiments.  They can be explained and verified in very complicated mathematical and physical terms; however, their conclusions are relatively easy to comprehend. 

The first is called The First Law of Thermodynamics.  It is the law of the conservation of energy and one of the most absolute physical laws of the universe. It states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed.  The amount of energy in the universe stays the same.  It can be changed, moved, controlled, stored, or dissipated, however cannot be created from nothing or reduced to nothing.  Natural processes can transform energy and move energy, but cannot create or eliminate it.

Let’s take a simple example and apply this law to it.  If you turn a bicycle upside down and spin a wheel it will turn nicely for a while, but begin to slow down and finally stop.  Why?  Because of the friction created by the ball bearings.  The friction burns the energy of the turning wheel.  Finally, the energy of the spinning wheel cannot feed the friction of the bearing any more and the wheel must stop.  Energy decreased and friction increased equally until the wheel (called a system) returned to a state of equilibrium. 

Now, let’s get really big and consider all the matter and energy in the entire universe.  It’s obviously there, and our law states that it can be changed, but can neither be created nor destroyed.  What’s that?  It can’t be created?  But weren’t we told that the Cosmic Egg that contained all the matter and energy in the universe just sort of appeared all by itself in the depth of an empty cosmos?  Oops!  It looks like the Big Bang idea conflicts directly with the First Law of Thermodynamics and is thus an impossibility.  “Well, then where did all the matter and energy in the universe come from”, you ask.  Glad you asked.  Please go to the Bible and read Genesis 1:1 very slowly and you’ll find that God created it.

This is enough to “chew on” for one day.  And I suggest you chew and masticate on it slowly, with a lot of thought, because we are approaching very soon some concrete and inescapable conclusions that will require you to make a serious decision about your life.

This is the FIRST NAIL in the coffin of the Big Bang idea.  The second, and last, will come tomorrow, when we explore the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  See you there.

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Warren Norcom, university trained and an ex-businessman has lived a total of 38 years overseas, 25 of them as a missionary. He traveled extensively giving conferences, preaching, counseling, and teaching in a seminary, touching thousands of lives. He is a dedicated Christian who has a passion for the subject of Creationism. He has observed that in this scientific age humanists have showered the public with a worldview that is biased toward their agenda to “prove” God doesn’t exist. In contrast, Christian scientists have had overwhelming success in debunking and exposing the errors of humanistic religion. As a creationist, he wants to set forth truths to show that the only intelligent choice one may come to is that God must and does exist and to expose humanism for what it is: a false religion.