Friday, February 25, 2011

Nail #2 - The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Don’t forget, we’re still on the subject of the so-called Big Bang.  My last blog analyzed The First Law of Thermodynamics.  Now let’s continue to The Second Law of Thermodynamics – It is the law of increasing Entropy.  Entropy?  What’s that?  With the First Law, all the quantity of matter remains the same, but with this Second Law the QUALITY of that matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time.  You may say that Entropy is equal to deterioration or increasing disorganization and order.  Want me to express it REALLY simply?  Everything, left alone, will deteriorate or run down over time.  So you can express it in scientific terms, Entropy is defined as a measure of unusable (used up) energy within a closed or isolated system (our universe in this case).  Simple examples:  Left alone, your bike will rust, or your house will fall into disrepair.  The more the Entropy the less the organization.  (remind you of your son’s or daughter’s bedroom?).  The more usable energy that is irretrievably  lost (in a closed or isolated system), the more disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.

I could not put it better than a quote from “All About Science”:

The implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics are considerable. The universe is constantly losing usable energy and never gaining. We logically conclude the universe is not eternal. The universe had a finite beginning -- the moment at which it was at "zero entropy" (its most ordered possible state). Like a wind-up clock, the universe is winding down, as if at one point it was fully wound up and has been winding down ever since. The question is who wound up the clock?

The theological implications are obvious. NASA Astronomer Robert Jastrow commented on these implications when he said, "Theologians generally are delighted with the proof that the universe had a beginning, but astronomers are curiously upset. It turns out that the scientist behaves the way the rest of us do when our beliefs are in conflict with the evidence." (Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers, 1978, p. 16.)

Jastrow went on to say, "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." (God and the Astronomers, p. 116.) It seems the Cosmic Egg that was the birth of our universe logically requires a Cosmic Chicken...[referring to God]

What is our conclusion here?  That first, a cosmic egg with its Big Bang, is scientifically impossible, AND that it is scientifically impossible for a Big Bang explosion to expand causing a huge organization of galaxies, stars, our universe, our earth and its subsequent life.  

Let me impress upon you the fact that the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics were simply discovered by scientists.  The Laws themselves are governing principles that have, and continue to control our physical universe and were established by an all knowing and all wise God. 

This, my friend is the SECOND NAIL in the coffin of the Big Bang.  Put it in the ground.  Bury it.  Case closed.

What is our FINAL conclusion?  The Big Bang didn’t and couldn’t have happened!  Well, you say, “The universe obviously originally started somehow and is obviously here now . . . then where did the universe come from?”  The ONLY alternative is that an all powerful, all knowing, all wise God CREATED IT.  Yes God exists and is in control of everything – you included.  He wants you to know Him, have a close relationship with Him, obey Him and finally be with Him eternally in Heaven – all through His Son Jesus Christ.  Read my Blog “It’s Your Choice – Each One Is Eternal”, then pray and ask Jesus Christ into your heart as your Savior and Lord.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nail #1 - The First Law of Thermodynamics

If you need some more convincing that the Big Bang is bust, let me delve very superficially into some laws of physics that will settle the matter once and for all. They are perhaps the most basic laws of physics and all scientists accept, use and conform to them in their studies and experiments.  They can be explained and verified in very complicated mathematical and physical terms; however, their conclusions are relatively easy to comprehend. 

The first is called The First Law of Thermodynamics.  It is the law of the conservation of energy and one of the most absolute physical laws of the universe. It states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed.  The amount of energy in the universe stays the same.  It can be changed, moved, controlled, stored, or dissipated, however cannot be created from nothing or reduced to nothing.  Natural processes can transform energy and move energy, but cannot create or eliminate it.

Let’s take a simple example and apply this law to it.  If you turn a bicycle upside down and spin a wheel it will turn nicely for a while, but begin to slow down and finally stop.  Why?  Because of the friction created by the ball bearings.  The friction burns the energy of the turning wheel.  Finally, the energy of the spinning wheel cannot feed the friction of the bearing any more and the wheel must stop.  Energy decreased and friction increased equally until the wheel (called a system) returned to a state of equilibrium. 

Now, let’s get really big and consider all the matter and energy in the entire universe.  It’s obviously there, and our law states that it can be changed, but can neither be created nor destroyed.  What’s that?  It can’t be created?  But weren’t we told that the Cosmic Egg that contained all the matter and energy in the universe just sort of appeared all by itself in the depth of an empty cosmos?  Oops!  It looks like the Big Bang idea conflicts directly with the First Law of Thermodynamics and is thus an impossibility.  “Well, then where did all the matter and energy in the universe come from”, you ask.  Glad you asked.  Please go to the Bible and read Genesis 1:1 very slowly and you’ll find that God created it.

This is enough to “chew on” for one day.  And I suggest you chew and masticate on it slowly, with a lot of thought, because we are approaching very soon some concrete and inescapable conclusions that will require you to make a serious decision about your life.

This is the FIRST NAIL in the coffin of the Big Bang idea.  The second, and last, will come tomorrow, when we explore the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  See you there.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God Spoke, and BANG, It Happened

OK, here we go.  Down to some nitty gritty truth in a nutshell.  Yes, sir you’re going to get a BANG out of this. 

I saw the most amusing license plate last week.  It’s amazing how the people who make these things can say so much in so few words.  A lot of it is junk, but some is plain genius in its economy of words. Here it is, below:.  

 More than that is just elaboration, which I feel compelled to do.

You have, of course, heard of the Big Bang “theory”.  Everybody has.  It has been mentioned in the newpapers, magazines, in book stores, and textbooks for decades.  Most third graders could tell you that the Big Bang is how “everything” got started.  Then they would wonder why you asked.  Do you remember the famous propaganda principle I quoted to you in my blog, Humanism Is All Around You?

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it long enough, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Our subject is a prime example of it and is perpetrated by our familiar humanist evolutionists.  Just what is the Big Bang?  It is an attempt by humanistic scientists to explain how, out of absolutely nothing, our entire universe began.  Their twisted logic begins with a pre-conceived premise – since there is no God the universe must have begun in some other powerful naturalistic way.  Note here that they are, before even beginning to set forth some (pseudo) scientific “theory”, committed to coming up with something that leaves God completely out of the picture.  How’s that for pure, honest, scientific procedure?  I can assure you that humanist scientists are jumping all over themselves with theories and calculations that would blow your mind as to the age of the universe and how it began.

It is supposed that, because of local (in cosmic terms) scientific studies that the whole universe is expanding in all directions at a uniform rate.  If that is so, they say, then that fantastic expansion MUST have started from one point, at one instant of time – way back when.  The “when” is still up for grabs depending on different scientists’ views, but it hits somewhere around 13.7 billion years ago.  There you have it – what everybody’s been looking for:  the “beginning”.  Then, out of nothing came into being a cosmic nucleus, or “egg” if you will, of immense density and temperature, which was crammed full of all the material in the universe.  Its size is totally up for grabs because humanistic scientists can’t put their arms around such a bizarre creature.  Dr. Duane Gish (a well known and distinguished creation scientist) aptly states,

“Nobody knows where the cosmic egg came from or how it got there – it is simply assumed it was there (someone suggested perhaps the Cosmic Chicken laid the cosmic egg).  No one knows how long it sat there, but, as the story goes, the cosmic egg exploded (nobody knows why) . . . “

That cosmic primeval fireball expanded beyond all imaginable proportions and there you have it – the universe was born.  If you think that’s amazing how about this:  the new universe, all by itself, developed all of the stars and galaxies, then our solar system with the sun and the earth.  Then beyond anyone’s wildest conception primordial life created itself  - and from there you guessed it – evolution took over (all by itself) and behold, you have the amazing “molecule to man” story. 

It is past comprehension the amount of amazing organization, physical principles, chemistry and laws that the existing universe, our earth and its life conform to.  And humanists would have us believe that it all smoothly came into existence ALL BY ITSELF.  Wow!  Excuse me, no offense my friend, but if you believe all that I’d like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for a mere $100.00.   

I hope I’ve sufficiently jolted the Big Bang idea many of you have innocently and conveniently tucked away in your minds as to how everything began.  Don’t feel guilty.  I believed it too, at one time.  The humanists did (and ARE doing) a good job in raining this fantasy down on the public.

It is a liberating feeling to know the TRUTH.  The Bible says, “Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free”.  Now, go the the Bible, open it to Genesis 1:1 and read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”.  Then say toHim, “My God, how great you are”.

This issue is put to its proper resting place, however, my next blog will hammer some final nails in its coffin to bury it forever.  See you there. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Macro or Micro - What Are We Talking About?

Since we’ve used the word “evolution” quite a few times in my previous blogs, I want to jump in here with a few words of clarification.  I do so at the risk of “muddying up the waters” as I want to stick to my main objective and not get sidetracked.  With that in mind, I might be guilty of oversimplification here.  But, be assured that at the right time things will be clarified in detail.

Almost always when the term “evolution” is talked or written about it has to do with the “molecule to man” or “monkey to man” idea, and that is specifically what I am referring to in my blogs.  This is termed “macroevolution”. 

Another type of evolution is called “microevolution”.  It involves minor genetic changes within a species.  Examples would be the breeding of cows to give more milk, of horses to run faster, of corn to produce more ears and etc.  These changes are largely engineered by scientists today and well founded as genetic changes producing varieties of different plants or animals.  Others are natural mutations and are nearly all detrimental to the species.

So, now that we've settled that detail, and possibly satisfied some of the more scientific minds out there as to what I am talking about, let’s return to our main subject.  I’ve got something to tell you in my next blog that you’ll get a big “BANG” out of.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Believe The Bible And Evolution - Take Another Look

It will never cease to amaze me to what length a humanistic evolutionist (which includes what I call “pseudo-scientists”) will go to discredit God’s creation.  Why is that?  Really, it’s very simple.  Like many humanists he refuses to admit that God exists.  Again, why is that?  Because if he admits that God exists then that makes him subject to, or subordinate to a Higher Power.  Since it is in the rebellious nature of man to go his own way and to be his “own boss” so to speak, he will do anything to attempt to convince himself (and others) that God doesn’t exist.  That makes him his own boss.  In a few words, I’ve just described a humanist.

When you get a bunch of humanistic scientists together, it is incredible what they can come up with to support their unbelief.  The problem is that they use their educational status (scientist) to throw an aura of authenticity and untouchability over anything they decide is “truth”.  Truth to them is what they term the theory of evolution.  Creationists term it the myth of evolution.

So, the general public bought the idea hook, line and sinker, claiming, “Hey, the scientists say so, then  it’s gotta be the truth, right?” - Christians included.

Charles Darwin’s ideas about the gradual evolution of all living things were universally accepted by humanistic evolutionary scientists in the 1830’s. They were published prolifically as “true science” from that time, virtually without challenge, until the recent past.  So much so, that the common people simply accepted it as “law”.  Christians wanted to hold on to their beliefs that God created all things, including man, as the Bible book of Genesis states.  However, being confronted with the popular “scientific truth” of evolution, and not being able to refute it, they simply married the two.  They concluded that God created man, but He did it through millions of years of evolution.  This was a convenient way of skirting a seemingly sticky problem.  However, it also created another sticky problem.  If you believe the Bible, that also includes the Book of Genesis.  It is virtually impossible to fit the idea of evolution there without a really ridiculous amount of twisting and warping of God’s plainly presented Word.  It ends up not being what it plainly says, but what you want it to say. 

One of the men that wreaked tremendous damage to the creation account in Genesis was the famous C. I. Scofield, who published the Scofield Reference Bible.  His copious references were generally very good.  However, he was an evolutionist and went to great lengths to “explain” how the idea of evolution fits into the Book of Genesis.  The Scofield  Bible is a prime example of how people believe “as scripture” the references about the verses, (his opinion) instead of what the verses simply say. 

I urge you to continue with me as my future blogs unfold.  I will elaborate more thoroughly on the ideas and effects of Darwinism, and at length refute the various propositions of evolution and its claims.  My goal is to liberate you from the fiction that you descended from apes and so on, back to a cell floating in some primordial sea. 

I further deeply desire that you, armed with the truth, will go back to Genesis, read it and accept it just as it states, and proclaim “My God, how great thou art”. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

So . . . I Believe In God And Evolution

Below is a comment  recently made on one of my blogs that, because it relates to many people, I want to respond to in this blog.

Anonymous said...
“so... why does it have to be one way or the other? I believe God created us in a long slow process that scientists have chosen to call evolution... I don't have to know why he did it that way... that's where faith comes in!!!”

Dear Anonymous, I laud you in that you believe in God and I sincerely trust that you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 

Before proceeding, let me clarify that my blogs refer specifically to humanists (an inclusive term) - not to persons who simply believe in evolution.  We can categorically say that humanists, as I have defined them in my blog “Humanism – What Is It?”, do not believe in God and hold strongly to a materialistic evolutionary view of man.  Your comment states that you believe in God and also in evolution.  So then the question arises, “can a person be a Christian and also an evolutionist”?  Of course he can!  Your position is what is termed “theistic evolutionist”, or “Christian Darwinist”.  I might add that this position is held very widely in many Christian denominations today.

My “either – or” choice, further explained in my latest blog “It’s Your Choice – Each One Is Eternal”, is directed toward anyone who is not a Christian (including humanists) who must decide the direction of his life.  As you read the blogs you can see that the receiving, or not, of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is definitely an “either – or” choice.

Did you read my blog “Test All Things – Believe The Truth”?  Have you simply “bought into” the idea of evolution without questioning it?  Please read my blogs from the beginning on.  They explain some important facts to you.  Be careful with your term “that scientists have chosen to call evolution”.  Did you know that there are thousands of scientists out there who are completely against the idea of evolution?  They are called creationist scientists.  They have effectively shown that the evolutionary idea you have mentioned is simply impossible.  Impossible?  Yes, maybe that blows your mind.  You'll hear a lot from me in the future on this subject.  You can find the much recommended web site: The Institute For Creation Research ( for complete information on the subject of Creationism.  I suggest you also subscribe (no cost) to their very informative and interesting periodical treating a variety of current subjects.

I urge you to continue reading my blogs and comment to me about what you are thinking.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I saw a bumper sticker the other day that condensed everything I want to say today into only nine words.  Such a profound truth could hardly be expressed more succinctly. 


As a matter of fact, these short words are the very heart of what this blog is all about.

There are those who would retort, “Suppose I don’t believe in heaven or hell; then it doesn’t apply to me”.  You probably know by my previous blogs that humanists (and others) say exactly that. 

Let me emphasize to you very directly that TRUTH is TRUTH.  There’s nothing you can do or say that can change it.  My mom brought this home to me long ago with a very simple child’s example:  A silly ostrich stuck its head into a hole in the ground and said, “Ho, the world doesn’t exist because I can’t see it”.  As ridiculous as this is there are a multitude of people out there that live their lives just exactly like that.  It would seem funny if it weren’t such a tragedy.  You can refuse to recognize the truth and live as if it doesn’t exit, but know this:  it’s still there – whether you like it or not!  Understand very clearly that there are consequences to the choices you make.  In this case, it is the most serious choice you can make, and its results are unchangeable and eternal. 

I have told you that humanism is a religion and holds strongly to the proposition of evolution.  I will show you at length that humanism is a false religion that must be received by faith.  It simply and utterly fails to withstand the glaring light of real scientific scrutiny.  Christianity makes no attempt to prove itself scientifically as that is not its purpose.  Its tenants are set forth in the Bible and reveal a God that makes no attempt to prove Himself.  He simply says “I AM”.  He appeals to you to accept Him as your God by faith.  I urge you to obtain a Bible and start reading it, beginning with the New Testament, allowing God to reveal Himself to you

You will find almost immediately that God loves you and wants you to accept Him and follow him through life.  He says, “For God so loved the world [you and me] that he gave his one and only Son [Jesus Christ] that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him (John 3:16,17).  Then He continues with a very sobering statement:  “Whoever believes in Him is not condemned but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son”.  (John 3:18)

Yes, God’s claims are very exclusive.  He offers you total TRUTH.  You can receive it or not.  If you choose not to He says you are condemned.  Condemned to what?  To a life without him in this world and to an eternal HELL when you die. 

He says, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.  No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).  Again you have a choice.  You either accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or you can not be accepted by God.

Again, the Bible says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). 

Finally, when Jesus was talking to some people that did not believe in him, He said, “You are from below; I am from above.  You are of this world; I am not of this world.  I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.” (John 8  :23, 24)

My friend, there is much more I could say on this subject, but I think these verses from the Bible make it clear.  In this life you are faced with a choice.  You can choose either HEAVEN or HELL.  One thing for sure – you can’t be like the ostrich and pretend the choice doesn’t exist.  God says, “ . . . I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice and hold fast to him . . . ”  (Deuteronomy 30:19,20)

Friday, February 4, 2011


You may be saying, “OK, so humanists have an agenda to convince me that God doesn’t exist.  And the evolutionists are sure that the earth is a bunch of millions of years old.  So what?  Sounds like they’re right because that’s all I read everywhere.” 

Sadly enough, yes, their publishing and advertizing are pretty much all over the place.  But, let me challenge you with a serious question:  Does that necessarily make them right?  Remember, teachers and scientists are people just like you and me.  In the course of their lives they are taught and come to develop a “belief system” that generally affects their total outlook on life.  Those beliefs are naturally going to be taught in their professions.  If they sincerely believe that God doesn’t exist, then they are going to attempt to convince you of that in their teaching and publications.  They are going to repeat their beliefs so often and so loudly that they take on a semblance of pure fact.  Again, Does that necessarily make them right?

Very unapologetically, I want to proclaim to you that NO, they are NOT right

Let me ask you:  do you believe everything you read and hear?  I would hope not.  You probably even laugh at some of the overstatements, insinuations, and direct lies from many different sources that want to sell you something or convince you to trust and follow their advice.  However, you tend to take more seriously what people like teachers and scientists say.  And for the most part, rightly so.  After all, they are trained professionals and you are supposedly not qualified to question what they say.  You may not have the same level of education, but you sure do have the right, or I might even say, the obligation to analyze what you are told so that you may come to your own educated conclusions of whether it is right or wrong.

So, how do you learn to discern the truth from error?  That is what we want to begin talking about now.  First, let me urge you to start asking honest and searching questions.  Don’t receive everything you hear or read without critically analyzing it.  Let the question words, When?, Where?, Who?, How?, What? and Why? (among others) be in the back of your mind as you input information.  I’m not saying you should be a “doubting Thomas” and question every piece of information that comes your way.  We are specifically talking about humanism and evolution in this blog so let’s concentrate on them. 

Let’s test the system.   Suppose you’re in a classroom:

Teacher:  Well, class as you all know man evolved from monkeys and then from lower forms of life in a process called evolution
You:  That’s interesting teacher.  How do you know man evolved from monkeys?
Teacher:  It’s right here in the World History book.  You can read it.
You:  Yes, I have read it.  How did the author know that man came from monkeys?
Teacher:  Well, it wouldn’t be in the book if it wasn’t true.
You:  Begging your pardon teacher, but I read stuff all the time that isn’t true.
Teacher:  This book was approved by the State Board of Education as a valid text for our class.
You:  Are they sure its true, teacher?  How do they know?
Teacher:  Because knowledgeable scientists who have proven these things gave them the information.
You:  How do we know the scientists have proven these things, teacher?  Who are they?  I’d like to check out their sources before I believe that I evolved from a monkey.

From there the process continues.  Do you get the idea?  You have questioned.  Now you have to take your questioning further to investigating, then analyzing the information you receive, and finally arriving at your own conclusions.  I know this process isn’t always easy or comfortable but it’s amazing how you can get at the truth this way, and at the same time learn a lot and have more confidence in yourself.

My Personal Profile

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Warren Norcom, university trained and an ex-businessman has lived a total of 38 years overseas, 25 of them as a missionary. He traveled extensively giving conferences, preaching, counseling, and teaching in a seminary, touching thousands of lives. He is a dedicated Christian who has a passion for the subject of Creationism. He has observed that in this scientific age humanists have showered the public with a worldview that is biased toward their agenda to “prove” God doesn’t exist. In contrast, Christian scientists have had overwhelming success in debunking and exposing the errors of humanistic religion. As a creationist, he wants to set forth truths to show that the only intelligent choice one may come to is that God must and does exist and to expose humanism for what it is: a false religion.