Dr. Duane Gish, PhD , a highly regarded creation scientist with the Institute Of Creation Research, in his book Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics, cites statistics regarding spontaneous generation. He refers to Cytochrome C which is a simple protein in cells. He says,
“ . . . the probability of a functional cytochrome C arising by chance is no more than 2 x 10 to the -94 factor, a probability so low that it wouldn’t happen even once in the entire universe in 20 billion years, even if every star in the universe had a planet like the earth and one hundred amino acids could be assembled one trillion times a second on every planet.”
This, friends, is a probability far past what is statistically considered an impossibility. Further, to carry this to the point of absurdity, let’s suppose that by some miracle it DID happen. That would be only ONE protein out of thousands needed in a functional cell, each one with a different composition to carry out a specific function. So, this miracle would have to happen thousands of times, EACH in its OWN specific way for a cell to form. Then, all these proteins would have to assemble by chance in the water and organize themselves so that each does its specific job. But where is the cell membrane to hold them cozily together? I don’t know. You tell me. I could go on, but I trust the point is made: a living, functioning, self replicating cell cannot be formed out of inert matter. That is to say that “Abiogenesis” is a practical impossibility.
I must touch on one other item in order to put this subject to rest. In 1953 two scientists, Harold Urey and his graduate student Stanley Miller performed an experiment to try to synthesize amino acids from a mixture of gasses and water that they imagined the primeval earth to contain in abundance. Amino acids are simple inert molecules that are the backbone of protein structures. Many repetitions of the experiment yielded trace amounts of two amino acids (glycine and ananine), a yield that was, in Miller’s words, “small for the energy expended”. These are only two of the 20 amino acids required for life to exist.
Jerry Bergman states:
"Their ‘breakthrough’ resulted in front-page stories across the world that usually made the sensational claim that they had ‘accomplished the first step toward creating life in a test tube’. Carl Sagan concluded, ‘The Miller–Urey experiment is now recognized as the single most significant step in convincing many scientists that life is likely to be abundant in the cosmos.’ The experiment even marked the beginning of a new scientific field called ‘prebiotic’ chemistry. It is now the most commonly cited evidence (and often the only evidence cited) for abiogenesis in science textbooks."
Evolutionists grabbed on to this experiment and ran with it in magazines and it ended up in most biology, zoology and evolution textbooks.
However, since then, scientists have attempted untold experiments to further the results of the original Miller-Urey experiments and have produced only a few more of the precious amino acids necessary for life. Quoting Jerry Bergman again:
“The abiogenesis problem is now so serious that most evolutionists today tend to shun the entire field because they are ‘uneasy about stating in public that the origin of life is a mystery, even though behind closed doors they freely admit that they are baffled’ because ‘it opens the door to religious fundamentalists and their god-of-the-gaps pseudo-explanations’ and they worry that a ‘frank admission of ignorance will undermine funding”

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth . . . Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be; He commanded and it stood firm.
Psalms 33:6,8,9
Psalms 33:6,8,9
You amaze me with your scientific explanations. I just pray that truth and rightousness prevail throughout the earth.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, I appreciate your comment and hope that the explanations are clear and understandable. That is important. God has called us to proclaim truth and rightousness in a world beset with all classes of iniquity and injustice. We pray for success in that endeavor