Monday, March 7, 2011

Abiogenesis - #2: From Nothing - Something

Our subject today has to do with the spontaneous generation of a living cell from non-living matter.  Or, what is the possibility that, simply by dumb chance, a living, fully sustainable, self replicating cell could be formed out of the primordial waters of an early earth?  Let me emphasize that the water had only our familiar H2O and a various mixture of chemicals in it. 

It must be clarified that the evolutionists, in order to postulate their ideas, must create in their imaginations an earth that is over a billion years old with water swirling around and all kids of thermal activity.  I’m sure you’ve seen the “authentic” pictures in magazines and textbooks.  But, why an earth that old?  Because evolutionary hypothesis NEEDS those long, long periods of time for things to slowly develop.  Without it their ideas are “dead in the water” – so to speak.

Even Charles Darwin (the father of modern evolutionary thought) knew he was in “hot water” with his ideas of natural selection.  He wrote that all living things must have descended from a primitive form of life that was originally called into being “by the Creator”.  He later recanted on this admission as he knew that once a “Creator” was involved the whole theory of evolution was invalid.

It was once thought that a living cell was a rather simple thing, but modern molecular biologists (cytologists) have discovered that it is a most complicated “factory of life”.  

Jerry Bergman, writing for AnswersInGenesis, Aug. 2004 states:
"Cytologists now realize that a living cell contains hundreds of thousands of different complex parts such as various motor proteins that are assembled to produce the most complex “machine” in the Universe—a machine far more complex than the most complex Cray super computer.  We now also realize after a century of research that the eukaryote protozoa thought to be as simple as a bowl of gelatin in Darwin’s day actually are enormously more complex than the prokaryote cell.  Furthermore, molecular biology has demonstrated that the basic design of the cell is essentially the same in all living systems on earth from bacteria to mammals... In terms of their basic biochemical design... no living system can be thought of as being primitive or ancestral with respect to any other system, nor is there the slightest empirical hint of an evolutionary sequence among all the incredibly diverse cells on earth (Denton, 1986, p. 250).
This is a major problem for Darwinism because life at the cellular level generally does not reveal a gradual increase in complexity as it ascends the evolutionary ladder from protozoa to humans.  The reason that all cells are basically alike is because the basic biochemical requirements and constraints for all life are the same:
No contemporary hypothesis today has provided a viable explanation as to how the abiogenesis origin of life could occur by naturalistic means.  The problems are so serious that the majority of evolutionists today tend to shun the whole subject of abiogenesis."

Not only are living cells highly complex, but the odds of inorganic matter forming itself by chance to get one of those fantastic living cell machines running is so ridiculously low as to be considered an impossibility.  The study of even a simple cell structure, with its multiple internal functions on a molecular level, is extremely complicated and far beyond the scope of this presentation.  Go to: to read excellent information on this subject.

Do you want to know some revealing statistics about the possibility of Chemogenesis?  Read my next blog tomorrow.  What do you think at this point?  Did a cell come into being all on its own?  Send me your comments.         

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Warren Norcom, university trained and an ex-businessman has lived a total of 38 years overseas, 25 of them as a missionary. He traveled extensively giving conferences, preaching, counseling, and teaching in a seminary, touching thousands of lives. He is a dedicated Christian who has a passion for the subject of Creationism. He has observed that in this scientific age humanists have showered the public with a worldview that is biased toward their agenda to “prove” God doesn’t exist. In contrast, Christian scientists have had overwhelming success in debunking and exposing the errors of humanistic religion. As a creationist, he wants to set forth truths to show that the only intelligent choice one may come to is that God must and does exist and to expose humanism for what it is: a false religion.