It is my hope that you are a sincere seeker who wants to know the meaning for your life and your ultimate destiny. It will be my privilege to walk with you on a journey that can result in the most important adventure of your life. But I am not naïve. The great majority of people are those whose social relationships, job, and many activities occupy virtually all of their time. The word “secularist” accurately defines them. They are inundated with the “here and now”. Very little credence is given to spiritual things or eternal values.
That is why I posted my first blog as only a provocative question: Were You Created, Or Did You Evolve? If you just sort of accidentally “happened” upon my blog, I hope this question hits you right in the face and shakes you up. I want to challenge you to stay with me. Question me or even disagree with me, but stay with me. It just may be that I have some ideas or subjects that seem to conflict with your preconceived conclusions about life - ones that you simply assimilated over a period of time and accepted as truth without seriously giving them any real thought.
Let me assure you that during your daily walk through life, there is a massive overflow of people whose desire is to influence or convince you to their point of view. They may be family members, friends, advertisers, politicians, teachers, TV personalities, humanists and the list goes on and on. The continual bombardment of this influx of directed information is bound to influence your life and do much to form your “worldview”. That is, how you generally believe and perceive life. There is indeed a battle for your mind. How you filter what comes in and respond to it affects the way you live and act. Make a decision today to search for the truth and live by it.
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